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This is what is meant by coronary heart disease

The heart is a vital organ in the body that functions to pump blood to the lungs and to the rest of the body so that nutrients and oxygen can be absorbed by the body. As we get older, the elasticity of the blood vessels decreases. Especially with free radical attacks and consumption of cholesterol foods that cause plaque, thus disrupting blood circulation.

The disease that attacks the heart as we get older is coronary heart disease. This disease is also called ischemic heart disease in medical language and is one of the highest causes of death in Indonesia. About 35 percent of deaths that occur in Indonesia are caused by this disease.

Causes of coronary heart disease

Reporting from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the main cause of coronary heart disease is the appearance of plaque on artery walls. These plaques consist of cholesterol, calcium or fibrin which are formed since a person is young. In addition, the more you age, the higher the risk of plaque formation. If not immediately treated and prevented, this plaque causes reduced elasticity of arteries and disrupt blood flow.

If the plaque gets bigger because it's left untreated, the heart arteries will narrow. As a result, oxygen-rich blood supply to the heart is getting less. Plaque can also come off and block most of the blood flow in the arteries. If it occurs in a coronary artery, a heart attack can occur.

Symptoms of Coronary Heart

Symptoms of coronary heart disease usually arise when plaque tears have occurred which ultimately disrupt blood flow. Reported by the National Health Service UK, there are several main symptoms of coronary heart disease, such as chest pain and difficulty breathing. Know other symptoms that may be experienced by people with coronary heart disease, namely:

  • Discomfort such as pain in the chest area, but can also spread to the neck, jaw, shoulder, left hand, back, and even the left abdomen.
  • Frequent cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, and easy feeling tired.
  • The heart rhythm starts to become unstable and even causes the heart to stop which if not treated immediately will cause death.

The things that increase the risk of coronary heart disease

Although there is no definite cause of plaque that can appear on arteries, some of these things can increase the risk of coronary heart disease:

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic, active smokers have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Some studies suggest that people who smoke will have a 24 percent greater risk of developing this disease. This is due to the nicotine and carbon monoxide content in cigarettes making the heart work more extra than usual.

Bad cholesterol found in oily foods and meat can cause plaque to appear on arteries. This cholesterol then tends to stick to the blood vessels and build up, so that it becomes plaque.

Diabetics allegedly will have twice the risk of coronary heart disease. This happens because people with diabetes have a thicker layer of blood vessel walls. The thick walls of the coronary arteries that interfere with the smooth flow of blood to the heart.