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Recovery from Corona, Tom Hanks Goes to Isolate at Home

Jakarta - Good news came from the Hollywood couple Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson who on Wednesday (11/3) then underwent a positive test and corona, now has returned home and underwent self-isolation.

In his post on Instagram last Sunday (3/15), Tom Hanks expressed his appreciation to the medical team and nurses who helped him and his partner through this difficult time. Currently Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson undergo isolation at their residence in Australia. What is self-isolation and how to do it?

The Importance of Self-Isolation after Corona Diagnosis

Self-isolation is an effective preventive measure to protect people around from contracting corona or COVID-19. By isolating yourself, that means you avoid close contact with others as much as possible, the principle is the same as you have the flu. This includes limiting the visits of people to the house.

If you live with your family, you also need to minimize the contact distance of at least 2 meters. People who are sick or diagnosed with corona may not share plates, cups, including other cutlery, towels, pillows or other items with healthy people at home.

Ideally this isolation is carried out for 14 days, to ensure when the exact time and any conditions you need to do while undergoing isolation, can be asked directly at Halodoc. Doctors who are experts in their fields will try to provide the best solution for you.

To do this, simply download the Halodoc application via Google Play or the App Store. Through the Contact Doctor feature, you can choose to chat via Video / Voice Call or Chat anytime and anywhere without the need to go outdoors. Actually self-isolation does not only need to be done by people who are sick or have been positively diagnosed with corona.

Healthy people also need to limit themselves by not making social contact with people, not visiting public spaces, and spending more time at home. President Joko Widodo has also recently promoted the importance of social distance and advocates working at home.

The Importance of Maintaining Mental Health

Certainly as a social creature who is accustomed to interaction, when it comes to undergoing isolation must be vulnerable to stress and loneliness. For this reason, it is very important to take care of your mental health.

Self isolation does not mean you should not contact family or friends. You can still establish communication online, as did Tom Hanks and your partner. Getting support in a "solitary" situation is necessary to remain "sane".

It will be very good while being alone in the current situation you still undergo activities that can arouse good mood. Able to read, knit, write a diary about what you experience and feel during this isolation, and others.

If possible out of the house to get sunlight, do physical activity so that the body remains in shape, live a healthy diet, and stay hydrated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends doing the following as a form of coping with corona stress:

Limit yourself from watching, reading, or listening to news, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can make your mood and mind unstable.

Do meditation to control bad thoughts.

Take time to relax. Try doing some other activities that you like.

Stay connected with other people. Talk to people you trust about your worries and how you feel right now.

Besides Tom Hanks and his partner, several other celebrities also undergo self-isolation. Cristiano Ronaldo bought a private island and brought his family to live there. Lady Gaga and Chris Martin also do the same thing.