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Interesting Facts You Should Know about Crypto Currency

Interesting Facts You Should Know about Crypto Currency

Some people have got the benefits of using Bitcoin as their crypto currency. But some of them are still learning and curious about this latest virtual currency. If you are the one who also curious about this latest technology, try to learn the detail below.

How Do You Get Bitcoin
Most people who don’t really know about Bitcoin will ask such kind of question. They want to know where to get Bitcoin. Actually, to get Bitcoin you have to buy it. You can check reputable Bitcoin merchants or commonly known as Bitcoin exchange around the world including in your area. Then, you can buy Bitcoin there. It is also possible if you want to sell your bitcoin there in the future. It is also possible for you to mine Bitcoin by using computer. To mine Bitcoin, you have to solve complex math puzzles. The winner got 25 Bitcoins and it is shared every 10 minutes.

How Do You Keep Bitcoin
The next question is how to keep it after you buy this crypto currency. What you need to understand, bitcoin is virtual currency so you need to keep it in a digital wallet. Digital wallet is owned from Cloud, your computer, or android app. It is a kind of your personal account where you can manage Bitcoin including transferring, receiving, and saving. Just be careful because digital wallet can be accidentally deleted or attacked by virus. If it is happened you lost your Bitcoin. On the other hand, the security system is sophisticated and it is lower the bad risks.

How Do You Use Bitcoin
Now, you already have Bitcoins. You want to use some of them. What do you have to do is finding several merchants who accept bitcoin. For your information, some of reputable merchants are following this technology and they accept Bitcoin. It means it is easy for you to buy anything you want including gadget, webhosting, fashion, and many more including foods or specific services. Interestingly, Bitcoin is not only used for buying something. Moreover, you are also able to keep it for investment. When the value is higher, you may decide to sell your Bitcoins to the merchant.

Can You Share Bitcoin with Others
Yes, you can and even it is very easy to do. You don’t need to create bank account only to share Bitcoin. Just download and install app from your android. That’s it! You are ready to transfer Bitcoin to your friends or member of family who also use this crypto currency.